Thank you using SDG and keeping our students safe!
Please watch the video for a quick visual on how SDG works.
Parking Around Lafayette
Please do not double park anywhere around the school! Park in a legal spot; meters on Balboa Street are not in effect until 9 a.m. Please watch for the street cleaning signs on Balboa — North side (closest to school) cleaned on Tu/Th; South side (away from school) cleaned M/W/F between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
USING Stop, drop go Effectively
Have your child READY-TO-GO (backpack in hand and coats on) & drop off ONLY with a volunteer!
Please arrive on time and be patient as we work to get everybody’s child into school safely!
Arrive on time – drop-off is from 7:35 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. After that, they are late!
Be patient and allow the parent volunteers to open the door to let your child out. This keeps everybody safe.
Be courteous to each other – the line will move and it will be your turn very soon.
Watch for pedestrians as they cross the street, especially during winter hours when it’s dark.
Watch for other cars as you exit the line as 36th Avenue is very busy in the morning!
Make U-turns in the intersection at 36th and 37th Avenues.
Turn right onto 36th Avenue after drop off.
Stop/park/double park on Anza Street, 36th Avenue or 37th Avenue.
Use the white-curbed Bus Zone to drop off your child at any time.
Jump the line of cars on 37th Avenue as it is VERY unsafe to do so!
Double-park or block/use the driveway of our neighbors!
Talk on your cell phone while in the line, a distracted driver is an unsafe driver.
We want to encourage safe behavior to create patience and understanding as we work to keep our Lafayette community safe! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the “Stop, Drop, Go” committee or come to a PTA meeting.